Gold Jeuneth's Lifemate


The world of Pern is copyright Anne McCaffrey, 1967
The Dragonriders of Pern is a registered trademark.

Current Descriptions

Basic Description

Gather Clothes



Riding Leathers


Old Descriptions

Early Pregnancy

Late Pregnancy

Fashion Show

Weyrling Uniform

Not Quite as Young

Candidates' Robe

Basic Description

What Joslyn usually looks like...

Sunshine and energy are evident the very moment your eyes behold this spritely young woman. It's difficult to estimate her age, for she's rather small of stature and smooth of skin, with bright and sparkling emerald eyes and a pale dusting of powderlike freckles over the bridge of her pert nose - the best guesses will put her at about eighteen or twenty Turns perhaps a little less. Anyway and either way, she's a sunny critter with ready, dimpled smiles and an honestly sweet face.

Perhaps some five feet tall - MAYBE an inch or two more - she's dressed simply and functionally. Lightweight cotton trousers of dark green cover short legs, cuffs either rolled up to reveal dirty ankles or pulled down over the tops of polished black boots. A boring, grass-green shirt is elaborated on by a plain black vest with an abundance of pockets: All of them bulging with various and sundry items of interest. At her left shoulder is the emerald, pale green, and black knot of Southern Weyr, threaded through by a slim gold cord. On one wrist, she wears a slim band of gold, seemingly comprised of dragon-esque shapes and sparkling a little with each movement of her hand.

Gather Clothes

When Joslyn is trying to look nice...

Looking just a little uncomfortable with the whole thing, Joslyn actually manages to appear feminine and grown-up in her Gather finery. Pale lavender sisal, edged with natural hints of silver as it shifts, drapes prettily over the goldrider, nicely tailored and newly pressed. Off the shoulder just slightly, breezy sleeves taper to her wrists - one of which boasts a thing gold chain comprised of dragon-esque shapes that sparkle faintly with each movement of her hand. High-waisted, the gown gives her the appearance of a figure where soft, wide, lilac ribbons trail down her back.

The skirt of this gown is almost gauzy, floor-length and shifting slightly with even the fraction of a movement. Beneath the hem, small slippers in a matching hue of purple peek out, beribboned and charming. In concord with this elaborate attire, she's braided her short gold curls up and held them with a small, filigreed silver clip, similarly dressed up by shorter versions of the same ribbons evidenced throughout her attire. She paints a charming little scene, neither particularly gorgeous nor entirely elaborate. It's a girl-next-door sort of attractiveness, sweet faced with bright green eyes and a few flaxen tendrils escaping the elaborate dress of her hair.


What Josy's dragon looks like - the work of Telinda...

Liquid fire -- not the gentle glow of the sun, nor the flickering warmth of a hearth, but the roaring conflagration of a living flame that threatens to consume all -- blazes over this cimmerian queen's hide. Dark gold -- like that seen in the dead of night, all illumination faded from its surface -- sheathes her back and neckridges, resembling a cape caught within a tempestuous storm.

The onslaught of darkness continues down towards the curve of her tail and down over the translucency of her wings, the colour mutating first to rose, reminiscent of the lining of this cloak, and then into a conglomeration of patina-gold and imperial-purple, haughty and disdaining in shade. Molten red-gold, a vehement inferno stoked from within, caresses the proud curve of her belly, flickering toward talons that almost seem to be painted a rich, ruby-red as the light reflects the incarnate incandescence, whilst majestic eyeridges seem almost too prominent, like an elaborate headdress.

Jeuneth is 7 turns, 5 months and 21 days and is 40.50 meters long and has a wing span of 67.00 meters.


Josy's fat, brown firelizard.

Large and round with undersized limbs, his red-brown hide and overly plump belly lend a very sturdy air to this rotund fellow. Dappled with paler splotches along his candy coated brown hide, he lacks the length of fellow browns but more than makes up for it with bulk. A lot of muscle is employed in moving that mass, packed onto the short bones, delineated beneath the splattered hide. Dangling from his neck are prettily braided ribbons: The greens and black of Southern Weyr broken by a satiny gold band.

Early Pregnancy

When Joslyn first started to show her belly and her baby.

The bright flicker of sunshine dances across this young woman's entire person, lending her the airy atmosphere of summer breezes - not a care in the world to find her that can't be just as easily brushed aside. It's difficult to estimate her age, for she's rather small of stature and smooth of skin, with brightly dancing emerald eyes and a pale dusting of powder like freckles over the bridge of her pert nose; the best guesses will put her at about eighteen Turns. Pale blond hair frames her face, falling in honey-kissed curls to brush a slightly plump chin - indeed, Josy is looking a little chubby these days. Anyway and either way, she's a sunny critter with ready, dimpled smiles and an honestly sweet face.

Perhaps some five feet tall, she's dressed simply and functionally. Lightweight cotton trousers of dark green cover short legs, cuffs generally rolled up to reveal dirty ankles or pulled down over the tops of polished black boots. A boring, grass green shirt is left untucked so that it hangs loosely over her middle, covering the slight hint of chubbiness that seems to have developed there. Her multi-pocketed black vest furthers this purpose, bedecked with an abundance of pockets bulging with various and sundry items of interest. At her left shoulder is the emerald, pale green, and black knot of Southern Weyr, threaded through by a slim gold cord. On one wrist, she wears a slim band of gold comprised of dragon-esque shapes and sparkling a little with each movement of her hand.

Late Pregnancy

When Josy was really showing...

The bright flicker of sunshine dances across this young woman's entire person, lending her the airy atmosphere of summer breezes which cannot be diminished even by the latter months of pregnancy - not a care in the world to find her that cannot just as easily be brushed aside. It's difficult to estimate her age, for she's rather small of stature even with a fully rounded belly; smooth of skin with brightly dancing green eyes and a pale dusting of powerdy freckles over the bridge of her pert nose, the best guesses will put her at around twenty Turns. Pale blond hair frames her face, falling in honey-kissed curls to brush a slightly plump chin - indeed, Josy is looking much chubbier these days. Anyway and either way, she's a sunny critter with ready, dimpled smiles and an honestly sweet face.

Perhaps some five feet tall, she's dressed simply and functionally as any pregnant girl should be. A long, pale green gown cloaks her form almost shapelessly - no belt to draw it snugly against her swollen waistline. A slowly curved neckline and short sleeves lend it the loose air of comfort as well as a hem just passed mid-calf, the whole thing fairly unadorned save the black and emerald embroidery that traces the seams in a straightly geometric configuration of crossing lines. Aside from this, there is only her pale green, emerald, and black knot with the gold threads of Southern's Junior Weyrwoman and a pair of occasionally worn, floppy wher-hide sandals.

Fashion Show

Josy modelled clothes made by Apprentice Reede.

This jacket is made from the finest wherhide, stretched and worked into suppleness, and has been cut very roomy to allow for the growing abdomen of pregnancy. It is pieced together with care, the sleeves attached to the shoulders with rawhide strips, their reddish brown color contrasting with the dark brown of the jacket itself. The collar is llama fur-lined, adding extra warmth for those trips *between*, as are the cuffs of the sleeves. The intricately-carved buttons are hidden by a flap that attaches by way of a rawhide loop over a large wooden button, which has the wearer's name, Joslyn, engraved on it. Short fringe hangs from the back in a V-shape, dyed black for extra contrast to the jacket itself.

Beneath the jacket is a sleeveless tunic made of soft cotton and dyed a pale gold in hue. No belt snugs in the tunic, allowing it to hang loose to just past Joslyn's knees, where small slits in either side reach up to mid-thigh, allowing freedom of movement and giving a casual appearance that would be at home either during short flights on dragonback or simply lounging around the Weyr.

Weyrling Uniform

This is from when Josy was about fifteen Turns old and a weyrling...

Your eyes fall upon the sunny, skinny critter that is Joslyn. Not quite a grownup but certainly a child no longer, she's far from 'curvy' at five feet and no inches, her limbs only just beginning to suit the rest of her form. Her sunny curls are growing out, now falling in glossy waves of honey blonde against her jaw and occasionally into her energetically sparkling eyes of pale emerald.

The simple, sturdy garb of a Southern Weyrling composes Joslyn's attire: A short-sleeved tunic, emerald with paler buttons and thread - the hemns slightly crooked - and a pair of simple, almost-knee length black shorts. The fabric is a breezy, light-weight cotton, draped loosely if not particularly becoming.

Not Quite as Young

Josy's about sixteen or seventeen now.

She's a fair-haired girl - finally starting to look a LITTLE grown up, sixteen or seventeen at most - with delightfully bright green eyes and a tumbling of honey blond curls. There's an obvious energy to her ready, dimpled smiles; the powdery freckles over her pert nose hint at the outdoors, as do the tanned limbs and slightly dirty bootheels.

Her dress is meant for function rather than appeal: A light-weight, grass green vest with black buttons and at least four pockets hangs loosely over the tops of her emerald green, breezy cotton trousers. Her left shoulder boasts the pale green, emerald, and black knot of Southern Weyr, a dark gold cord woven through the elaborate mess. Highly polished but sloppily laced black boots complete her attire.

Candidates' Robe

When she stood the second time, about 15 Turns old.

Somewhere between girl and grownup, Joslyn is finally growing into herself, a few curves but mostly the same skinny critter she's always been. Her sunny curls have been chopped short, now an ear-length crop of glossy waves that just barely reach to fall into energetically sparkling emerald eyes.

The robe upon this Candidate is well and sturdily made, its seams straight and its hemns even. Its fabric is sturdy if not heavy, made to withstand activity yet maintain some measure of comfort against the heat of the Hatching Sands. Thick are the soles of this girl's sandals, lending more than two inches to her five-foot frame with their doubly padded heels.
